Wednesday 1 May 2013

Review: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Hey, I decided to write my first ever book review so bear with me lol.

I bought this book over a year ago but I never bothered to read it until a few months ago since I finally became aware of that fact that I needed to continually learn and better myself socially.

What I really liked about the book was that the principles it teaches are covered chapter by chapter as well as multiple hypothetical situations where these principles can be applied such as saying their name, never criticising and paying attention to what they have to say to name a few. I've learnt so many important principles which I can see myself applying for the rest of my life. The examples in this book are also highly applicable to real life and the author highlights how simply applying a simple principle can completely turn a situation around. One of my favourite examples is the principle of praising sincerely because it shows that you pay close attention to the person leading to them valuing more.

I've certainly learnt a lot from this book and I have been able to improve myself socially as well as grow as a person. Definitely recommend this book to almost anyone especially someone who isn't interested in reading because this book got me into reading. This book has impacted to the point where I pay close attention in daily life to whether people apply these principles and how they are valued as a result of their actions.
